
Why Door Drops Will Get Your Message Across Better Than Other Forms Of Media

Friday 20th November 2020

At the early stage of the Covid-19 lockdown, the UK Government were regularly on the television, radio, and in both online and physical news articles. However, they still felt the need to get the message across in a closer more personal way, a way they knew we could not avoid - so they did a door drop, advising households of the new rules and regulations and guidelines of staying safe throughout the pandemic. We know you may consider door drop marketing to be a little 'old school' but in many cases, the old ways can bring a great response, as proven above, and as one of the most effective means of targeted mailings, it could be highly beneficial to your business. Here…

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The Lifetime Value Of A Customer

Friday 20th November 2020

You know how many customers you have; but do you know how many of them are repeat customers - customers that return to your products or services repeatedly? A major expense faced by any business is gaining customers, so it certainly makes sense to retain them and keep your company as their go-to choice. But how do you know who your most loyal customers are, and how do you keep them engaged? How can I measure my return rate? There are many ways to do this and to some extent it will depend on the systems you have available and your actual business model. For example, a subscription-based business can simply measure all of the customers purchasing a repeat subscription. However, it is…

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The Importance of Including Door Drop Marketing in Your Marketing Budget

Friday 20th November 2020

The popularity of online marketing means that offline marketing tools are seen as old-fashioned and ineffective. But this simply isn't the case. In fact, including door drop marketing in your budget could see your business edge ahead. Since March, the UK, like many other countries, has been plunged into a public health crisis. The subsequent lockdown brought the economy to a grinding halt. As we emerge from this enforced hiatus, the scars on the economy are already visible. UK GDP fell by 2.2% and with this happening over two quarters in a row, the UK confirmed it was in recession. For most businesses, this is not good news. Difficult trading conditions are compounded even further by people's uncertainty and anxiety. Marketing budgets are…

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